Hi, I am Tobias Wilker !

Confession time: I revel in my nerd-hood. From fervently following Marvel to immersing in Anime, Manga, and board games that echo role-playing adventures, my passions run deep. Yet, my most profound devotion? Software development.

Initially charmed by Object-Oriented Programming during my electrical engineering days, I've spent a decade mastering C#. But stasis isn't my style. A hackathon introduced me to the wonders of Web 3.0 and the vast web stack, an event I not only learned from but also claimed victory.

My real superpowers? Lightning-fast problem-solving, relentless learning, and an insatiable drive to evolve. Balancing this code-crafting journey with the joys of fathering three, my mission remains: Relish every byte and beat of life.

Explore My Passion!

LumiOS - We Illuminate Your Life

Inspiration This project, Illuminate, was born from my vision to advance the AI revolution and make AI an integral part of daily life. My dissatisfaction with current AI implementations and their superficial integration with our day-to-day applications led me to...


NEAR Spring Hackathon 2022

Embracing the Challenge The NEAR Spring Hackathon 2022 presented an exhilarating challenge: to develop eight distinct decentralized applications (dApps) over four weeks. This was not just a test of skill and creativity but also an endurance challenge, focusing on learning...